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Omega Frequency

Transmitting End Times Truth

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Episode 112 -UnScripted.

Join me for episode 112 - a raw, uncut, unscripted, and unedited podcast. I pressed record and shared my heart on a variety of personal and spiritual issues. This 2018 kick off show is a heart felt discussion with my Frequency Family. We will also discuss David Wilkerson's warning of a false occult super church that will operate in the last days. Could this church be in operation in 2018? If it is, what should we do to counteract it? Join me and find out!

Show Notes:

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

Episode 111 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (December Edition Part 2)

Episode 111 features the second part of our December listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Who are the Two Witnesses? Are the Trump peace talks setting up the “seven year peace treaty” of Bible prophecy? Who are the Beasts of Revelation 4:7 and Daniel 7:4? Will Christians be able to identify the Mark of the Beast or might they mistakenly take it? Why did Jesus not know the day or hour of his return? Does the Bible teach the Return of Christ is imminent? What is the second resurrection of Revelation 20? Will all Israel be saved? How do you safely minister to someone who has been involved in Satanic ritual abuse? What was the real sin that caused the fall of mankind? How can a skeptic be convinced that the Bible is the Truth? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Episode 109 -The Fringe Files Part Two

Episode 109 features part two of a rarely heard interview with BDK! I was a guest on Thai Girl 4 God Radio which airs on the Fringe Radio Network. In the second episode she asked me to answer questions on the supernatural deceptions facing the Church in this prophetic hour. We discuss cults, the rise of the Anti-Christ, Ufos, how to resist the devil, and many other topics. So check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen To The Fourth Watch Radio Network

Thai Girl 4 God Radio

Fringe Radio Network

Episode 108 -The Fringe Files Part One

Episode 108 features part one of a rarely heard interview with BDK! I was a guest on Thai Girl 4 God Radio early on in my adventure as a podcaster. I was honored to be featured on her show which airs on the Fringe Radio Network. She recorded two interviews with me and asked me to share my testimony and answer a wide variety of questions on topics that related to current events in Bible prophecy. We also discuss the days of Noah, revival, and the paranormal / supernatural issues facing the Church. So check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen To The Fourth Watch Radio Network

Thai Girl 4 God Radio

Fringe Radio Network

Bride Bootcamp Lesson 7 - Faithful

This episode features the seventh lesson in Bride Bootcamp. Bride Bootcamp is a series of monthly teaching lessons from a Spirit filled viewpoint. Our mission: equip the Remnant Bride of Christ in this prophetic hour! We are continuing our series on Spirit-filled discipleship. Last time we studied two of the Churches in the book of Revelation,The Church at Ephesus and Smyrna. These churches where an interesting case study of what it meant to be disciple and an early follower of Christ. In truth there was much we could apply to being a disciple today. When it comes to being a disciple, our first calling is dedication or faithfulness to our Lord. It means being vigilant and guarding our hearts and minds from the attacks of Satan. Imagine a church possibly living in the same area where the seat or throne of Satan was. What lessons could we learn from their successes and shortcomings as they strived to be faithful followers of Christ? Join me and find out!

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Pergamon Altar

The Seat of Satan: Nazi Germany

Obama and the Pergamon Altar

Episode 106 - It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

3rd anniversary show! Episode 106 features a heartfelt conversation with BDK about living in this prophetic hour. Are we the last generation? How can we remain focused on the Biblical return of Christ in the midst of sensational end times predictions? What are three things we can do to truly honor our King in this moment? Join me for a balanced Bible based discussion of Bible prophecy. This is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Omega Frequency T-Shirt Campaign

Episode 105 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (September Edition Part 2)

Episode 105 features the second part of our September listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Is Jesus Christ fully God? Was the Trinity taught by Christ’s earliest followers? Who was The Angel that appeared to Joshua and Moses? What is Holy ground? Is The Shack a faithful representation of the Gospel? What are some of the things that make the Lutheran denomination unique? How can Christians cope with mental illness Biblically? What can you do to win an unbelieving spouse to the Lord? Is household salvation Biblical? Is the age of accountability Biblical? Does God forgive victims of suicide? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

Visit Phil Baker Online

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Listen To Angelic Road to Armageddon: The Cosmic War DECODED Vol II

Episode 102 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (August Edition Part 2)

Episode 102 features the second part of our August listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Is the supernatural aspect of the Bible being preached in most churches today? Can believers really have a full personal relationship with Jesus Christ, if they omit or ignore the supernatural of the Bible? What are Jezebel and Ahab spirits? What did the Jewish religious tradition of Jesus’ day teach about demonic beings? Can demonic oppression causing drinking? Is killing someone to take them out of intense pain a sin or an act of mercy? Does Revelation 13:15 and Hebrews 1:3 tie into the rapture? Do the Noahide Laws fit into the end time deception? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

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Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ 

Frequency Flashback: Unholy Wars - Satan’s Crusade Against Yahweh

Episode 101 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (August Edition Part 1)

Episode 101 features the first part of our August listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: What does the Bible say about the lake of fire? Is the doctrine of annihilation a Biblical one or will people suffer forever in Hell? What did the early Church teach about Hell and the afterlife? Is Ecclesiastes 9:5 teaching the dead will be erased from memory? What is the Emergent Church movement about? Do certain Bible translations promote unbiblical doctrines such as homosexuality and universalism? Is it wrong to interact with people in our culture that practice homosexuality? How can believers respond to the universalism sweeping the Church today? What should we do if we are being mocked by our co-workers? Are there good resources available for teenagers who want to grow in the faith? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

Visit Phil Baker Online

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ 

What are the Best Apologetics Resources for Students?


Episode 100 Vol. 2 - New Age Messiah: False Fire

Episode 100 volume 2 continues to document how NAR theology will promote the false prophet, and how they will champion him as their ultimate prophet for this age. We will look closer at the teachings of William Branham and how he has shaped much of this theology. Four key things he taught will be used to explain how every age or dispensation has it’s own unique head prophet and messiah, and that Jesus was only one of many messiahs. We conclude this episode by looking at Jesus’s prophecy about the Jewish leaders not receiving Him but receiving a false messiah instead. What must a false messiah do if he wants to be received by today’s Jewish leaders? How do plans for a new temple in Jerusalem tie into the rise of the new age messiah? Does this new temple hold a clue as to why and how the false prophet calls fire down from heaven? Through an investigation of their own writings, sermons, and “prophecies” you will hear first hand how this deception is fulfilling Bible Prophecy. This is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Episode 100 Vol.1 - New Age Messiah: Earth’s Final Pharaoh

Vatican Rising Vol. I with BDK

Jesuit Controlled Christian Music & The One World Church (VR vol 2)

Episode 97 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (June Edition Part Two)

Episode 97 features part two of June’s monthly listener-directed Q&A podcast! Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: will people who end up in the lake of fire eventually be redeemed and purified by the fires of hell? Is this a form of universalism? Is being "slain in the spirit” Biblical? What is the the shekinah glory of God? Is being “drunk on the new wine of the spirit” Biblical? What is Kundalini? Why do people have a hard time waking up to spiritual deception? Do some pastors knowingly teach false doctrine on purpose to deceive people? Is prophetic revelation and dream interpretation still a gift for today? Is Acts 2:16-18 only a last days prophecy? How can a Christian Biblically confront demonic powers? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Read Phil’s Blog

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Resources Mentioned On This Episode:

Scroll Publishing

Naked Bible 87: Exorcism of Demons (Podcast)

Naked Bible 87: Exorcism of Demons (Transcript)

Bride Bootcamp Lesson 4 - The Conflict Of Kinds

This episode features the fourth lesson in Bride Bootcamp. Bride Bootcamp is a series of monthly teaching lessons from a Spirit filled viewpoint. Our mission: equip the Remnant Bride of Christ in this prophetic hour! We are currently studying Christ’s mission for His Body of Believers. We as His Remnant Bride are commissioned to proclaim the Gospel, but we are in a conflict with Satan and self. In previous lessons we have been looking at the various ways Satan tries to stop us from completing this commission. We have looked at the role of Calvary and the Resurrection in this conflict. In lesson four we will look at the power of Pentecost that equipped the Church of Acts to become living witnesses through out the world. Those who God calls He equips. We have Heaven’s resources available to us in this conflict. But will we be more than conquers in this conflict of kinds? Join me and find out. This is one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Episode 95 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (May Edition Part Two)

Episode 95 features part two of May’s monthly listener-directed Q&A podcast! Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: is replacement theology biblical? Will all of Israel be saved? How can we overcome sexual temptation? Are some people born unto damnation? Could a person love God yet still be born unto damnation? With many prophecy ministries promoting fearful events what are some of the things we can do to have peace? What does the Bible teach about divorce, marriage, and remarriage? Are key events of Revelation metaphorical or do they have a second meaning? Could Jarred Kushner be the Anti-Christ? What does the Bible say about portals? Should people try to access them? Is technology good or bad? Can it be used for the spread of the Gospel? What if we get to the point where the beast controls most all technology? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Visit Phil Baker Online

Read Phil’s Blog

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs

Online Free Andrew Murray Books

Episode 92 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (April Edition Part One)

Episode 92 features part one of April’s monthly listener-directed Q&A podcast! Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: What is the prophetic significance of the fig tree parable? What is the meaning of “This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.”? What is the meaning of “One shall be taken, the other shall be left.”? When did Satan fall? Was it the day after creation, or does the gap theory shed some light on this fall from grace? Where there "others" who lived on this earth before God created Adam?  One listener is fearful that they will “miss the rapture”, can Phil and I give any advice on how to prepare ourselves for life in this prophetic hour? What does it mean that God will make Abraham’s offspring too numerous to count? Is there a prophetic significance to this promise? What is the “Ark of Gabriel”? What should be our attitude towards the secular arts? Is it wise for Christians to watch movies like Beauty & the Beast? What do we think of heavy metal music? What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Naked Bible Podcast Episode 61

Bride Bootcamp Lesson 3 - The Resurrection Victory

This episode features the third lesson in Bride Bootcamp. Bride Bootcamp is a series of monthly teaching lessons from a Spirit filled viewpoint. Our mission: equip the Remnant Bride of Christ in this prophetic hour! Satan wants to prevent you and I from becoming effective ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. This is the primary purpose of his war against us. In lesson two we discussed the role of Calvary and the Cross in relation to this spiritual warfare. In lesson three we learn how the resurrection not only brings us victory, but is the event that leads to our empowerment as the Bride of Christ.

Episode 91 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (March Edition Part Three)

Episode 91 features part three of March’s monthly listener-directed Q&A podcast! Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. Once again we open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: what do we believe about the timing of the rapture? Why does God release Satan after the thousand year reign of Christ? Is “household or family” salvation a Biblical concept? According to 1 Timothy 2:9-10, what does it mean to dress modestly? We answer a lot of questions about things that happened to children of Israel while in the wilderness. We also look at the pentecostal experience in the book of Acts. What is the Book of the Wars of the Lord? If everything had to come from something, then who created God? What are the origins of the traditional ways we minster to people in Church? What would a Church service look like to the first Church of the New Testament? What is the difference between Calvinism and Arminianism? If the early Church practiced non-violence, then what about the defense of the innocent? Why did Jesus make a whip and tell people to buy a sword? Should Christians join the military or own guns? How do we receive the Holy Spirit? How do we grieve the Holy Spirit? How do we reconcile Genesis 18:23-33 and Exodus 32:7-14 with the fact that God never changes? How do we balance proclaiming the Scriptures over our lives with the “Name and Claim” theology of certain Faith teachers?  These are just a few of the questions up for discussion! Show Notes:

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Visit Phil Baker Online

Read Phil’s Blog

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

These are some of the resources we mentioned during the course of the episode. Please check them out!

What Are The Odds Statistically That Jesus Was The Messiah? (Chuck Missler)

Answers to Tough Questions Skeptics Ask About the Christian Faith

The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict: Evidence I & II

God's Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe

Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels

The Case for Christ

Episode 87 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (Feb. Edition)

Episode 87 features February’s monthly listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on Biblical Morality. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: can the Bible be trusted as a guide to morality? Is there such a thing as absolute truth? What sets the Bible apart from all other sacred writings? What does the Bible teach about sexual morality? Is it ok to steal if you are providing for your family - or if it’s a matter of life and death? How can a person not only forgive someone who lied but trust them in the future? Can a person ever live a completely sin free life? How can a person overcome temptation? Why do we need to be forgiven by God? Is Jesus just another good moral teacher or is He God? What sets Him apart from all other religious teachers? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss! 

Show notes:

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Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Episode 86 - Witchcraft In The Church? With Kelli Pierce

This episode asks the question is witchcraft being practiced within some churches today? To help me answer this question I’m joined by Kelli Pierce. She was a former high priestess in a pagan witchcraft coven. She has been greatly troubled by some of the recent practices and even some of the best selling books in Christian bookstores. Why? Because when she looks at some of these extra- Biblical practices and teachings she sees very little difference between them and the rituals she used to practice! Now this episode isn’t a Biblical “witch hunt”, instead it is a rational look at what witchcraft really is Biblically. When we understand what the Bible says witchcraft is, we will then be able to examine some of these extra- Biblical practices and teachings to see if they are scriptural. Kelli is very passionate about exposing the dark side of spirituality so that people aren’t deceived by the things that once deceived her. Her passion and heart to see the darkness dispelled really shines through in this episode.

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Fight The Lies Radio Network (Facebook)

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Bride Bootcamp Lesson 1 - A Living Witness

This episode features the very first lesson in Bride Bootcamp. Bride Bootcamp is a series of monthly teaching lessons from a Spirit filled viewpoint. Our mission: equip the Remnant Bride of Christ in this prophetic hour! What is the main purpose Jesus has for the Body of Christ on Earth? What is our mission? Is it possible to discern what ministry Christ has called us to personally? What the is one key thing He expects to find in us if we want to be used by Him? We will answer these questions and more.

Episode 85 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (Jan. Edition Part Two)

Episode 85 features part two of January’s monthly listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they continue answering your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We dig deep into the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: how much emphasis you would put on the book of First Enoch to help unlock some of the more cryptic key themes in scripture? Is it possible to figure exactly how many years ago Noah's Flood happened? Can we clarify the roles of the different members of the “unholy trinity” of Revelation? Do we need to be re-baptized if we fall away from the Faith and then come back? Is infant baptism Biblical? What did the early church teach about baptism? Is Christ’s name Jesus, Yeshua, or Joshua? Will God hear our prayers for salvation or deliverance if we use the wrong name? What does 1 Corinthians 5:5 mean when it says Paul is turning over someone to satan for the destruction of the flesh in order to be saved? Why does God allow suffering and evil to exist in this world? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion.

Show notes:

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Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Vist Mark Combs Online

Order A Signed Copy Of "END The Beginning" Directly From Mark

Listen To Episode 42 - Examining the Evidence of Noah’s Ark With Mark Combs