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Transmitting End Times Truth

Filtering by Tag: Remnant Revolution

Episode 76 - Preparing To Live Life In The Shadow Of Christ’s Second Coming With Justen Faull

Our last episode answered questions about how and when Christ would return. This episode seeks to answer the question of what we should do to prepare our lives for that prophetic hour. Helping me sort through this issue is Justen Faull who is the host of The Fourth Watch Radio Network. Make no mistake, it will take spiritually maturity if we are to endure a spiritually trying time. What does Jesus define as spiritual maturity? How can we grow in faith and grace? How can we fortify our hearts, and if we make our heart a spiritual bunker, what spiritual rations should we place inside it? What are some practical things we can do right now to prepare for future impractical times? What role does the fear of God play in our lives, and could it actually bring us supernatural peace in times where people would naturally be afraid? What is the one item you must have in your spiritual “go bag”? These are just some of things we will discuss. We will also listen to some rather interesting “prophecies and predictions” that where made last year in September that where supposed to be fulfilled before this October episode aired. We will discuss how to Biblically distinguish if a prediction or prophecy is from the Lord, or just a person’s own insight or information. We will examine what weight we should give to these words verses the weight we should assign to Christ’s words. If Christ word’s are to be trusted, trying times are coming. We will need the eyes of faith to “see” beyond what our physical eyes can see so that we can trust the promises of God. Justen will share with us a simple and effective way to build our faith in the promises of God today.

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The Fourth Watch Radio Network

Listen to The Harbinger & The Shemitah: Fact or Fiction?

Listen to Shaking in September?

Special Episode - Demons Calling With Justen Faull & BDK

Join me for a special episode of the Remnant Revolution on The 4th Watch Radio Network! We will be discussing the New Age infiltration of “Christian” literature. We will also breakdown one of the best selling book series in the modern Church - “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young. Is this book an inspiring modern day message from Jesus or is it inspired by Eastern Mysticism? We will also look at the bigger context of this issue of occult infiltration in light of Matthew 24 and the end times. Grab a note pad, pen, and a tasty beverage - this is one broadcast you won't want to miss!


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Episode 64 - The Remnant Reformation With Kay Carswell & BDK

During the Dark Ages the spiritual climate of the day was one of darkness and apostasy. It was against this spiritually challenging backdrop that God in His mercy raised up the reformers who brought a reformation of truth to the Body of Christ. Kay Carswell of Deception Detection Radio and I discuss how events during the historical Reformation mirrors today’s spiritual climate. Could God in His mercy once again raise up men and women of God to call the Body of Christ back to Biblical truth in the end-times? Join me and find out! 

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Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Listen To Deception Detection Radio

Listen To The Reformation And The Holy Spirit Part 1 on DDR

Listen To The Reformation And The Holy Spirit Part 2 on DDR

Episode 56 - The Revolution Is Calling With Justen Faull

There’s a revolution of Truth stirring in the hearts and minds of God’s people. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, our Heavenly Father wants our lives to be transformed by the Word of God. He is not merely calling us to read about the Truth, but to be changed by it. If these truly are the “end times” then how should we live? As His ambassadors God is calling His children to live a radical Kingdom lifestyle. Join me this week as Justen Faull and I have a spirited discussion on how we can answer that call!

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